Red Dr. Master

Our Podiatric Experts

Our dedicated Red Doctor foot specialists, focused solely on achieving foot comfort,
have conducted hundreds of studies.

They have earned numerous patents and certifications in orthopedics,
and have distinguished themselves across the globe.

Q. What Inspired the Development of The First Archpad?

Addressing Chronic Foot Pain:
A Dedicated Study

Believing that feet are the foundation of our bodies,
we recognize that imbalances here can lead to wider issues,
including poor posture, dead skin cells, and swelling.
This understanding drove us to research and develop solutions,
prioritizing foot health as a key to overall well-being.

Q. What Makes the Archpiece Exceptionally Special?

Enhanced Arch Support:
Continuous, Massage-Form Benefits

We initially aimed to support the unstructured arch,
but realized that conventional designs often stressed
the ankles and knees. Our innovation lies in developing
an elastic structure that minimizes this strain,
a breakthrough that has been both patented and certified.
This advancement allows for the creation of insoles that are adaptable
in both height and intensity, catering to the unique needs of various feet.

The culmination of our research is the archpad, designed to resolve all foot problems.
By allowing adjustments in both strength and height, it matches the specific needs of your feet.
This development ensures that each step you take is towards achieving lasting foot comfort.

  • Arch
  • 1 Million
  • Body

Unveiling the Secret Behind Korea's
First Footcare Export to the Global Market

Expanding Global Reach:
Exports to 13 Countries, Including the U.S.

Recognizing that foot fatigue and pain are universal challenges,

we launched international funding initiatives. The overwhelmingly positive feedback from users across various nations, including the
United States, Canada, China, and Japan, has led to growing export demands.

Our commitment to alleviating foot discomfort has resonated globally, paving the way for our expansion into 13 countries.

Meet the new insoles with the patented arch piece.

  • Distributes
    foot pressure

  • Arch

  • Continuous

  • 99.9%

  • 98%